
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello Any and Everyone!

I just got back from reading Miss Scarlett's Blog...if you haven't been there, I highly recommend it! She is one great pup! And beautiful, I might add.
It is called, "A Day In The Life Of Scarlett O'Hara". You will love it!

Now, as for me...I have been working on some geneology stuff. Having great fun.
But it is a lot of work. Beings I can only sit here part time w/o hurting like gangbusters, it is also a slow work. But enjoyable.
I have taken the summer off from the Writer's Community and the Support Community...and although the web site needs upgraded, it will probably not walk away on me & I'll get back to it in the fall.

Ahhhh...fall...!!! I love that season. And will be so glad to get to it.
So much has happened around here the last several months though & at this age I'm finding myself a bit "out there" for the first time in my life. Wondering about this thing and that & stuff that I've never really given much thought to before now. When you become a "senior citizen"... unless you are on the go constantly and still working or traveling or have grandkids that keep you hopping or a "Miss Scarlett" or two, there is LOTS of time to think. Not altogether a good thing. I think the old adage, "idle hands are the devil's playground" is true! The less busy we are, the more oppressing some of life's unexplicable events and circumstances! If we're busy, we've not much time to really invest in the why's & wherefore's.

Ah well, one of these days I am going to start ruminating on things that I remember from days of old. Now THAT should get the mind off the unfamiliar territory in which I now find myself currently planted, in my dodgery!

You all have a great day and go check out Miss Scarlett! Her observations of life as she sees it can be a real hoot! Oh, and in case you didn't know...she's the sassy red head who "owns" an older couple's hearts in DesMoines, IA. A beautiful little four-legger that you'll soon find out will own yours at first read!

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