So sick of "these people"...
South Carolina Lt. Governor Andre Bauer...
Now here's a real peach of a guy! It's been eon's since I've been to my blog, but I have finally come to my senses and decided to resurrect it. There have been a ton of things that have happened since starting it. Campaign for president of the U.S...(a veritable media circus imho)...the election of a Democratic candidate, not to mention the very first time in all this nation's history, a black candidate. The wretched economy, the race to inoculate all of the general public against the super hyped h1n1 or otherwise known "Swine Flu" virus. The loss of more jobs, more benefits, more stability! I guess one could say we are in a 'death spiral' in these United States. Or at least, that's what it seems like. Personal loss of freedoms is on the rim and ready to bull rush everyone.
And, with the attitude of this "so-called" official, should it catch on and spread...I guess the demise of America as we know it.
This fool needs to be voted out of office and banished to the ends of the earth. His "solution" to some of out economic ills would have poor folks starving to death. Not worthless, horrible, heartless criminals who are extremely detrimental members of society (who still deserve to live and not die a tortuous long death from starvation maybe), but every day ordinary folks who are down on their luck, who have lost employment and can not find work... even the innocent children of people whose only complete meals may come from school lunch programs! Good Grief!
"When we lose our humanity...we have effectively lost the world..." - linda marie pharaoh-carlson© -
I would say we've moved past the sense of "humanity" fast heading for some crazy world that most of would not want to live in. People like the Lt. Governor of South Carolina, have the attitude that is becoming more & more prevalent in our society. And why wouldn't it? We have turned from the basic principles upon which our nation was founded. Yes, we are not perfect. We have made monumental and horrific mistakes coming up through the ranks, but when we decided to turn our backs completely from the core ideals that we started with, we pretty much launched on the fast track to the destruction of our dignity and grandeur as a nation. What have we left to be proud of? The stellar way that we "took care of our own" after Katrina? I am appalled at the lack of care and the attitude that somehow they "deserved" to be left in their agony to fend for themselves. To starve. To flounder. Only a handful of help went forth & that state will never be the same. Some would say "good!" They needed to change. They needed to get the riff-raff out so that a good clean out and revamp could begin. That seems to be the attitude of many who look down on those that do not have the same privileges & standings as themselves.
The "Great Culling" of those who are a drain on society so that the elite can reconquer and rule the world. This may seem very cynical, but what's prevailing in our nation is outright sinister in nature. And those who would ignore it, or choose to be ignorant of this putrid attitude that permeates our world are going to be the ones caught up in it's wake when the other shoe drops.
I say, "stand up America!"... and smell the coffee! Take notice of every wrong thinking politician and vote their butt out! There is no compassion within this horrible prevailing attitude. There is no real hope to offer those who are in need of a hand, a chance at this "so-called" good life that America used to be so well-known for.
People like Andre need to get out of politics and get saved! He needs to go to church, go to Haiti and get his hands dirty caring for someone who is in dire need. He needs to get a life. One based on equal opportunity for all people regardless of race, creed, color, or social standing. Who does he think he is?
He certainly is no one special in my book. For him to make such ignorant statements to an already struggling, hurting society is the epitome of what could be considered barbarism. That's like Pat Robertson saying that the people of Haiti all deserved what they got in the earthquake because "they made a pact with the devil!!!"
God, turn the hearts of man toward good, not evil. Toward compassion, not judgement. Turn them all inside out that we have a chance to stand.
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