Today Benazir Bhutto, former prime minister of Pakistan was murdered.
Beyond the fact that she was a champion for the poor and needy of her country, she was a wife and mother.
Because she wished to LEAD the way of democracy in her country, because she was a woman leader in an Islamic nation where antiquated rule wished to keep women subservient and little more than chattel, because she stood for positive change against the tide of outdated and barbaric centuries of rule ... she was murdered.
Murdered by the same ilk who would wipe out without a second thought, any and every ONE person who does not THINK LIKE THEY DO!
And while I have monumental mixed emotions towards our country's involvement in ANY other nation's politics, I can not help but grieve at the loss of one who so dedicated herself to bettering her own nation, that she willingly placed herself in harms way and ultimately gave her very life for her beliefs and resolve to try to make that a reality.
I am sorry for this extreme act of cowardice perpetrated against this brave woman. For her children and her extended children in the nation for whom she fought. For her family and friends, her people who knew her heart. And for the world at large, who once again lose a compadre, a fellow champion of peace and hope.
As we face an uncertain new year just within a few days now, my prayer is still ... Lord, gather the leaders of peace across the globe. Give them strength and wisdom to lead ... to WIN in every leadership role, to gain ground, not lose it. To reach the hearts of people who are desperate for peace in every land, including those whose hearts are already held in the black despair of war and terror. Turn them around, turn us around ... and speak to the hearts of sinful man.
Only you can calm the rage within, and only you can bring us lasting inner peace to then manifest as the peace of the land. In Jesus' name, I ask this ... amen.
Praying for the family of Benzir Bhutto, her people ... the country of Pakistan today.
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