
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Here I go again...

I am the world's WORST Blogger! I hardly ever post to my own blog. What's up with that?

I am always in terminal lamentation concerning my lack of wordage here...and for that, I apologize! I guess I get my aggravations out often enough that finding the blank page here is most often considered unnecessary. Not that that is a proper excuse, but hey...I tried.

I seem to come up with the same old same old complaints anyway. Am I the only ONE out there who is just exasperated beyond reason about the general condition the world is now spinning in? Sometimes, I really wonder.

I have lived thru lots of things. From the assasination of President Kennedy, thru the Korean & Viet Nam wars...both miserable and demeaning in and of themselves, the "hippie"...make love not war peace movements, the Kent State Shootings, Watergate...the rabid techno awakening, the sexual revolution, the you name it and I've lived it stuff that brings me here today. A disgruntled older woman who can hardly believe that the country I knew & loved so well through it all, has become virtually unrecognizable to me.

We have, as a nation, slipped into a state of blatant oblivion! We have lost our senses and as a result, ultimately...are fast losing our hope for any real change to come.

I was born in a small community and my hope is that there will be enough younger "activists" alive in that small community, to keep fighting for everything that is right in the world. Right here, right now, right in our own little rural communities! I would love for Boone, IA. to become the National Beacon of hope for what really CAN be done when like-hearted individuals pull together to fight the things that pull us further down! The things that most people feel they have no chance whatsoever of winning by their own little selves...but collectively, can become an insurmountable odd to the machinations of big intrusive government and the long bony fingers of those who think they are above reproach!

Right now I refer to the citizens united in the fight against the

Des Moines River Overlay

At this moment, there are entities at work to restrict and steal rights from land owners in our little area. Read about it and then weigh in. But more than that...rise up and take action! And when it comes around again, fight it again! And be on the alert and watch for the sneaky ways it will be snuck in on us again...because people, big business and greed never give up. They just come back under the radar and hit in the middle of the night when no one's around to stop them so that they can get their way.

And if you don't believe that public service agencies lie, cheat and steal to get their way...then you need a big dose of reality. It has been this way for years, they get better at it each year. 

Stand firm Rural Boonies! Fight the good fight...and "get er' done"...

I'm with you 100%

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